Monday, September 26, 2011



Bionic Bodies.

The interaction with robotic entities and the human body has always been a staple of Sci-Fi movies, not to mention a long yearned for dream of mine. Over the past months I have been viewing all sorts of magnificent advancements in this field. It's blowing me away. From the boy that had his faulty hand removed and replaced with a robotic prosthesis to the recent article that involved a "Minds Eye" decoding machine... Yes that's right, basically a dream display.
The future is now people! Embrace it.
I wholeheartedly believe that in the not too distant future day the border between machine and man will become so thin that it will be transparent, transforming the lives of millions of people who need a new limb, new finger or new heart. Embrace it people, this is the future that our predecessors could only dream to be apart of.
PS, I can;t wait to get myself a bionic eye. Zoom, IR, Night-Vision...Bring it on.

The Rubik's Revolution Within

Bring back the Rubik's Cube!

The Rubik’s Cube. Given as a gift to me when I was 18. Felt like a forceful backhand to the intellectual face.
This wondrous (horribly frustrating) item of wizardry had dumbfounded me for years, until I met an ex-Rubik's enthusiast who showed me the patterns and procedures that lead to the eventual demise to the 6-sided beast.
That day, that glorious day. The first time I completed it. I felt as though I had unlocked the secrets of the universe and had to show all mankind for the growth of the world. However, it didn't really come out like that. It came out in snobby, cocky, big-headedness. Shoving the completed cube's face into any and everyone's face that I passed with a stupid grin that was somewhere between passing gas and the awkward moment when you're waiting for the self-timer to click on the camera.
Such a fool I was.
I wish to apologise for this and to close in saying.

Sucked in. I did it. You didn't.