And so it begins..
I have started the transition to Property Tycoon.
If all goes to plan, within the next month, i will own 1/3 of a property (even Richard Branson started small so shut-up)
With the almost certain success i am facing in this endeavour comes the difficult task of deciding what to do with all my money i will have.
Persoanlly, i would like to make a teleportation device - but thats a side project, with current technologies advancing the way they are, i reckon ill make one by the July 2011.
At first i will put it into a savings account at a bank on main street.
Thats about all i have planned so far.
Any suggestions?
This weekend was quite eventful seeing as it was Halloween on Saturday.
So, as you may know im quite fond of a dress up, i dressed up.
Had some individual vampire fangs to glue onto my canines. But alas, i have retarded teeth, so they did not fit well. So, i just went with the ripped and bloody shirt. Always a safe bet.
On the subject of cats, i have a cat.
Its black, its odd, it cannot meow.
Its likes fish, it really likes fish. It likes fish sooo much, that when i give him his little Whiskers "Oh-So-Fishy" Breakfasts. He eats one bite. Loves it. Then decides to spring around the room like a freakin bouncy ball on cocaine. I imagine hes thinking... "WHAAAAAA I LOVE THIS FISH...YUM! YUM! *PCHEAAWWW* *PING PING PING*"
Naturally in his little cat pow meow-language, not in English, cats can think speak in English as well as i can levitate.
Actaully he cant meow. So he might just be miming in his cat brain. Im not sure how to write that. so ill leave it there.
Now that i have my own granny flat incl. fridge. I have to play the "What to Put in The Fridge This Week" game.
Which at first i thought was easy. But now im realising...
"Hell, i can put whatever the fuck i want in this fridge. Its MY fridge."
Naturally, i filled it with beer and processed meats.
Ive started playing Monday night Oz-Tag. For all you internationals out there (of which there are none) its a cross between Rugby League, Touch Football and incorporating velcro "tags".
I am not fit.
This is fairly fast paced game.
I struggle.
And this week, just for a change, i will struggle again.
Good night all.
I am not fit.
This is fairly fast paced game.
I struggle.
And this week, just for a change, i will struggle again.
Good night all.
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