Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Bloody Hokey Pokey

In life, we we seem to make up our own minds about things long before we actually realise what they are.

Then like a flaming brick from the sky, we're hit with the sudden realisation that we have been wrong about something for our whole life.
These Late Life Realisations can cut us deep, real deep.

Example one:

Eatin' an apple as i do. Peel off the sticker and say, "Hey do you reckon there is a guy out there named 'BALTOW' or is it just a region of where they grow these. Just like i often wonder who the hells Granny is 'Granny Smith' of the Granny Smith Empire. (ASIDE: not a huge fan of them green apples. Too sharp and tangy for my pallete.) Any way, back to me asking the BALTOW question to a mate...After this question from myself, i get a few giggles from my audience..then..."It's not BALTOW you idiot its BATLOW!" **the sound of glass smashes in my mind** my BALTOW world had just been shot to pieces. All these stuff.

Then on another occasion, this one actually happend just a couple of months ago. I live near a major NSW highway...for all my life ive been calling it the PRINCESS HIGHWAY, apparently its the PRINCES HIGHWAY...ive just been miss-reading every street sign my entire life because i had already made up my mind about it being the highway for litlle princesses.
Again, wrong.

However the most astonishing one of all happened to me this morning on the way to work, listening to my iPod in my car.(BACKGROUND: i have ALOT of crap songs on there that accumulate and filter though the years of music collecting).
So there i was, listening to my speakers going thump thump boom, new song comes on and what should it be....?.... "The Hokey Cokey"!! as in the Hokey Pokey fame..

Questions: is this really the name and lyrics of the REAL song, did i just hear my grade 3 teacher sing it wrong and then for all these years ive been calling it the Hokey Pokey?? Are the other peopl singing "Hokey Cokey" behind my back and then snickering amongst their evil selves when i sing "OOOOOAHHHHHHH HOKEY POKEY" this a rip off song? Im going with the latter, id rather not add another tally to the Late Life...

Goodbye kids, stay clean!

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