Sunday, November 9, 2008

Irelevant / Unnecessary items of clothing.

Recently, during my world wide web exploration, i have noticed an uprise of the use if irrelevent items of clothing. Main offenders in the Human World: the JAPANESE!

Example one:

Harijuku Pictures, Images and Photos

that girl has way to many badges and hair clips goin on right there. the girl on the right has a fringe so low that she has to tilt her head to see her friend.



Are they fkn serious? That many necklaces will give you a hunch back bigger than Quazimodo!

Here is a close up of that...just for those of you out there who wanna see more!


No seriously... wtf was she thinking...

"mum can you buy me another 654 cute hair clips i wanna stick 'em to my face, thatll look cool!!"

and finally...


(not so much to do with clothing, but i thought id throw it in there anyway.)


Bitch, you are an idiot. Nothing further.

So, now that ive given you a little insight into stupid/irrelevant/unnessesary clothing, i thought id get to my main topic of conversation.

Cartoon/childrens characters that wear jackets/ties/vests etc, but,with no pants.

what kind of message are they sending to the kids..?

**Run around in the park nude, its fun, but remember, dress sensibly, WEAR A TIE!**

This is a wide spread epidemic that caused me much grief in my early years. Don't remember?
here, ill list them for you.

Tony, the Tiger ( Frosties Cereal)

tony the tiger Pictures, Images and Photos

Looks awfully like a member of the visious "Bloods" Gang, does he not? Snoop, quick cap his ass!

Yogi Bear and Boo Boo

yogi bear and boo boo Pictures, Images and Photos

Yes it might be a nice day for a pic-a-nic, but not for pants, bad day for pants.
Plus..they steal. THOU SHALL NOT STEAL.
Get yo-self in line bear, before i make Jesus smite your ass.


Snagglepuss Pictures, Images and Photos

I know he's not as well known, but again, a major offender of the pants rule. Does anyone actually remember where Snaggle puss is from?
P.S. What are those cuffs hanging on to...his skin? That'd probably hurt.

Porky Pig

porky Pictures, Images and Photos

This favourite Warner Bros. character agian wore no pants. But the worst part is, we were made to laugh at his st-st-st-stutter. Speach imp-p-p-pediments aren-n-n-n-n-n-'t funny kids, they are a disorder.

Donkey Kong

Donkey Kong Pictures, Images and Photos

This bad ass primate rampages through the jungle and battles foes all whilst only wearing a tie.

Donald Duck

donald_duck Pictures, Images and Photos

There is an urban legend about Donald Duck being banned in Finland because he does not wear pants.
The legend is probably based on the few angry letters that the Finnish Donald Duck magazine received decades ago on the subject, and responded by publishing a picture of a ridiculous-looking duck with pants, which largely killed the issue.
Many Finns find this legend amusing, in that the nudity taboo is far weaker in Finland than it ever has been in America, and there have been several comics in the country's national newspaper which have on occasion showed naked characters with visible but non-pronounced genitals, leading to no reprecussions.

Sonic the Hedgehog

sonic gang 2 Pictures, Images and Photos

This is a different one, because in the game, all the female characters wear clothes, yet the males wear usually only shoes and gloves.
Can somone say Workplace Inequality?

And finally, the most outrageous of them all..

Humphrey B-Bear

Humphrey B Bear Pictures, Images and Photos

Look at him there, striking a pose.
Its an abomination and it needs to be stopped.

In fact In 1959, there was actually a group called the Society for Indecency to Naked Animals or SINA, a hoax perpetrated by comedian Alan Abel until 1962.
Buck Henry played its president, G. Clifford Prout, while Abel played the vice president, and its goal was to clothe all animals. One of its mottos was "A nude horse is a rude horse. Apparently, lots of people fell for it and tried to donate money for the cause. True Story!

Thats all for today.

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