Sunday, November 16, 2008

Strange Happenings

Recently i have come to the conclusion, that odd things follow me round.
I don't mean that there are little creatures near me. I mean that weird things happen near me.
Mostly they are HILARIOUS. But others are more concerning.

Like last tuesday, i was driving home from work on an overpass bridge and i look to the highway below and i see an old man (possibly insane) on a old person scooter in the middle of the highway waving his arms wildly in the air and obviously screaming at the traffic...on second thought, i strongly belive he was insane.

rascal scooter Pictures, Images and Photos

OK, so that was just a strange coincedence. BUT this happend to me yesterday. I was in a friends car in the front passenger seat and i was just looking around the car and i thought hmmm i wonder whats in his glove-compartment... then BAM the freakin' thing just gently opened and i found out what was in there... some jelly-beans and paper, hes a diabetic so the jelly beans were hands off unfortunately. Man i wouldv'e loved one. Or two.

Glove compartment Pictures, Images and Photos

Next on the list, is the oddity knows as Plate Stalkers. This is when you constantly see the same three letters of a number plate on many a car. For me, its the letters "YRC" i do believe that there is some conspiracy of ppl who own a YRC number-plate and they purposely follow me.
This is not a new thing to me either, ive been noticing this for a couple of years. I think the acronym has a deeper meaning....YRC, the first letter stands for YOUR'E and the next two are my alter-ego's initials. Coincidence......................perhaps.


At one-stage i thought i was turning into a cat, but thats a different barrell of monkeys.

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