Thursday, November 20, 2008

Like...Ummmm....You know...

Language evoloution is a given. No longer is there "thee" and "thy" and all those other crap words used in Shakespearian times. But to a point, the English Language must remain fairly civil and refined.
the other day i heard a girl on the radio say the word "like" 23 times in a 3 minute talk...i counted them.
that just plain pissed me off!! You young lady are runing the image of the Australian youth!
there is no need to say Like all the time. not every sentence has to be a simile!!
i feel that this comes down to one main reason...
No one is definitive about what they are saying.
"like, we went to this park on the weekend. And there was all these, like, rocks everywhere. You shouldv'e seen them they were, like, huge!"

so...were they just balls of antimatter that looked as if they were rocks or were they actually rocks...
how hard is it, honestly!

now, im not the sexist kind, but i do feel that younger women and girls are most guilty of this.
so...whos to blame?
yoursleves for starters...its you saying it with your mouth. but i feel the influence of this came from none other than the Mighty USA.
with your shit slang and dumbing down of everything.
..on another point....Good work America, you fucked our economy, now we dont get a work christmas pissed off!

lets just hope Obama can fix some of the things bush so terribly stuffed up


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